It was one of the worst disasters to strike China after the Tangshan earthquake in 1976, which claimed 242,000 lives.

On May 13, 2008 HKBAV General Committee Members have voted and unanimously agreed to donate all existing balance from our HKBAV Charity Fund account of VND 107,422,658 (equal to US$6,630) to the victims through the Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Hochiminh City. [Appendix 1: Charity Bank Account Statement - April 08]

On May 14, 2008 HKBAV has appealed all HKBAV Members to extend their helping hands to make a cash donation, any donations made individually, collectively or on behalf of the Members’ companies will be greatly appreciated. Each single dollar will help! With the great enthusiasm and support from the Members, the first round of Fund Donation was raised at VND488,840,000 and US$ 25,150.00 (including US$10,000 directly donated to China Consulate from Members.

Totally it equals to US$55,400.00 (A) after the deadline on May 20, 2008. This fund together with the name list were handed over to the Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China on May 21, 2008. The Thanks Letter and Official Receipt issued by the China Consulate also were distributed/reported to all Members on May 22, 2008 . [Appendix 2: China Consulate’s Thanks Letter and Official Receipt]

As most HKBAV Members are engaged in the Garment & Textile businesses, the Function & Charity Subcommittees have decided to organize a Charity Bazaar on Sunday, June 15, 2008 (10:30 am – 2:00 pm) mainly selling the garment products and other products if available. Based on this concept HKBAV has invited VITAS to co-host in this event. Since the target visitors of this Bazaar is Cho Lon Chinese, the venue was set in District 5, Thuan Kieu Chinese Restaurant – Mr. Au Yeung has fully supported & sponsored all for the venue as well F&B at the Bazaar.

Four Function Subcommittee Meetings have been held on May 20th, May 21st, May 28th and June 12th2008 respectively to organize a fundraising event – Charity Bazaar to raise more fund to help the victims in need.

The HKBAV Garment & Function Subcommittee Members and particularly Mr. Lung Ying Nam have showed their enthusiastic support in contributing their valuable time to contact and collect 12,974 saleable products, 93 prizes for lucky draw & auction as well as sponsorship of VND20,000,000 for administration expenses.

It was an extremely successful fundraising event with 4,328 arrivals, the venue was jam-packed, many visitors have enjoyed the shopping and showed their enthusiasms in helping victims by fund donation. There were 5,250 Raffle Tickets sold in this Bazaar with the sum of VND262,500,000. The auction section was very exciting and touching which raised VND77,100,000. The total fund raised amounted as follows:
Equals to US$52,542.00

With the witness of the KPMG representative, this fund was counted at the spot. In the meantime, the symbolic cheque with the full amount mentioned above together with fund was presented to the Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China for the Sichuan earthquake victims. [Appendix 3: China Consulate’s Thanks Letter, Official Receipts and Proof of picture for reference]

Totally, the fund donated by HKBAV was US$107,942.00 (A+B)

Last but not least, the most gratitude needs to be sent to 52 sponsors and over 80 volunteers to help at the Bazaar. [Appendix 4: List of Sponsorship – In alphabetical order]

However, there are still 3,434 pcs kept in the stock, we will try to sell them out to wholesalers and collect the fund to donate all to the China Consulate at the soonest. [Appendix 5: List of Balance Stock]

There were three news reports on this Bazaar published on the Chinese Newspapers on June 6th, June 17th and June 24, 2008 respectively. [Appendix 6: Newspaper Clippings]

Reported by: Charity & Function Subcommittees
Date: June 22nd, 2008


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